Saturday, July 6, 2013

SEARCH AND RESCUE.....the group

We have grown in numbers this year....since these pictures....some great people and their dogs have joined us....making our group even stronger

We have a debriefing at every training allows us to look at what we accomplished for that training session , as well as where we need to work with our dogs.
It also allows us to hear about the other team members and how they give us opportunities to help each other with our training etc.

A strong stay is very important 

We do basic obedience at a lot of our sessions....we need it in working our dogs and it also helps to warm them up before working them in the field.
It also allows them to be around other dogs without interacting....meaning not trying to play with the other dogs...but working in their presence. It is important that they can work with other dogs around and not try and go to see them or play etc.

One of our members moved away....just a  group pic....not everyone was there
Members do come and go as life changes....but it is a strong group of dedicated people

Working together on some field work

Quila happily waiting in her crate till it is time to come out and work
She is not locked in her crate as she needs to be able to stay in her crate until given permission to come out....she is allowed to have her head out....she is pushing the boundary just a bit here !

Water searches are also an important part of our are some members out practising 

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