Thursday, December 6, 2012

PUPPY CARE.....and Christmas

Well as you can see we are trying to get ready for christmas!
No this pup is not a present...which brings me to the subject of is getting a pup for Christmas a good idea. I don't think it is , for a number of reasons...the first being is the person receiving the pup really wanting and ready for that it even the breed they want...and is it the breed that is best for them and their lifestyle...even if they have said," oh I really like boxers"...does that mean they just like boxers or have they done research on them and really feel they would fit them and their lifestyle.
Christmas is also a time of celebration, noise and confusion....lots of people coming and going...unregular hours from normal this the best environment to bring in a puppy?
There are also alot of items around that aren't normally there and are unsafe for the pup...ordaments, the tree , toy parts etc.
It is much better to bring a new pup into a family when they can spend some time with the new members of their family and the environment can be prepared for the pup.
This will lead to better adjustment for the pup, less stress on the pup owner etc....

The pups are doing really well.They have been gaining weight everyday and are now just over three pounds. They feed well and Quila, their mom, is very good with them.
Pink girl was the first to open her eyes on Monday...purple girl and yellow girl followed suit yesterday...with blue boy and red girl waiting today...
Now you can start to see a little of their personalities...and now the trouble will start!

Pink Girl

Now that their eyes are open and they can hear , it is time to start stimulating them with sights and sounds.
As my house tends to be quite quiet I will have the TV on more, CD playing at times ...including one that has noises that help them to be well adjusted to lightening etc...will play it softly at first then increase the volume...I want well adjusted pups that are secure and not easily frightened.

Pups are alot of work....and I could do the minuim....see that they are clean and fed...and let the mom do the rest, but I want more for my pups....I want them to be smart, independant...while being a reliable, well behaved member of a family....whether just a pet or a working dog I want them to enjoy their lives to the fullest ....and to do that I need to put the work into them now. I need to get them thinking, let them experience things in a safe, controlled environment so that they develop a strong well being.
These pups are already demonstrating a calm personalty , with some independence to work with that to assist them to be strong, intellegent, calm dogs.

One of the first experiences for the pups is their mother and how she treats them...this will be a lasting effect.
Quila is very gently, concerning and loving to her pups. As a new mom I was there helping her at the beginning...reassuring her and assisting the pups onto the teats as needed. Making sure she got her attention, adequate food , rest etc. She has always been a calm, gently girl and that is why I wanted to breed her...along with her being a great working dog for Search and Rescue...I am keeping a pup for that very reason...I know how good it is going to be.
When getting a dog of any age you need to know what you want to do with it and will it fit your lifestyle etc...all pups are cute...but they grow into dogs....will a large dog work for you , or a high energy one etc.
Then you need to look at the breeding if you are looking at a purebred...not all goldens are the same...they do have a general good disposition, but depending on their upbringing as to how they will be as adults.
My first golden was a lovely girl...when she was about 6 yrs...before that she was a handful...I was able to utilize that with working her in rally, agility, etc....another home would most likely have rehomed her.
When I got Quila I was much more careful...and I got the girl I have always I want to share her with other , via her pups...they are going to be special...and luckily they are all going to special people .

You can already see how special they are......

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